TEARING - Promotional Single...
1992 - Imago - IM28026-2-DJ
Track | Title | Duration |
1 | TEARING (EDIT) | 4:10 |
| Total Time | 9:08 |
"Whether it's the heaviest jazz record in history or the most intricate hardcore
document to date, THE END OF SILENCE is the unrelenting and uncompromising sound
of outrage, and as frontman, Rollins is a primal scream personified."
-Rolling Stone, April 16, 1992-
"The Rollins Band is a post-everything, jazz-tinged, metallic combo that begins
where the most exploratory (Black) Flag stuff left off and takes it out."
"...THE END OF SILENCE is the best Rollins work to date, arguably Henry Rollins'
career high. The album is poised, yet horrific."
-Spin, April 1992-
"Rage has rarely had it so good."
"He could certainly teach a thing or two to the new generation of frustrated young
rockers ..."
"...this is his crowning achievement."
-Los Angeles Times, March 8, 1992-
"Pumping shards of armoured funk and lacerated blues through the black veins of hardcore
with no concessions to weak or ambiguous sentiment..."
-Melody Maker, March 14, 1992-
"The quartet of songs that open THE END OF SILENCE should be bronzed as examples of how
good music can actually take over your head."
-Cleveland Scene, Feb. 27-March 4, 1992-
Dave's Comments:
A promotional single for radio play. The back of the booklet has a collection
of critic's praise lavished on THE END OF SILENCE (see above).
David Tenenbaum (04.07.98)